I coach Conscious Leaders who seek to align their wisdom with positive change.

I coach Conscious Leaders who seek to align their wisdom with positive change.

My passion is coaching clients to experience greater power, agency, and purpose.

Hi Im Shannon!

I help strong leaders level up, deepen awareness, hone their vision, and promote acceptance within themself. Conscious leaders recognize our inherent interdependence on each other, families, communities and the natural world. They seek to develop deeply connected relationships with the people they lead, and inspire their people to be a better version of themselves, while also participating in this internal work in real time.

I am passionate about coaching people toward integrating their body, mind, and breath, to cultivate resilience, wellness, and aliveness. 

Coaching & Consultations

Conscious leaders recognize (and this is where I come in) there is often a gap between intended and actual impact, and they are humble and thoughtful enough to seek out a leadership coach who can help them to be the best leader possible. Professional athletes work with coaches to be competitive enough to win the gold. And my job will always be: to support you in becoming a Conscious Leader who can forge new frontiers while cultivating personal peace.

“Shannon provided a coaching environment filled with safety, warmth and compassion…”

In my coaching sessions with Shannon, I experienced her as trustworthy, attentive to me, and creative in her coaching approaches. Her skills in the coaching process from beginning to end shine and she has a wide-ranging toolkit to guide you in exploration and self-discovery. For me, her intuitive sense stood out which helped me to get deeper and deeper to the roots of stuckness and hence, opening up to finding my own ways out of it. Shannon provided a coaching environment filled with safety, warmth and compassion for me to open up to deep work on myself!”

~ A.A

I invite you to schedule a complimentary discovery call with me.

In this 30-minute call, I want to hear about your strengths and weaknesses, success stories, and what hurdle is on the horizon for you. I’ll share with you how I support clients to become more empowered, clear and grounded, with specific strategies to inspire positive change. 

You’re invited to learn more about Shannon’s background and her mission on her about page. In addition to coaching leaders, Shannon is a Social-Emotional Learning Systems Collaborative Consultant for the Santa Cruz County Office of Education.

She also works with First Responders delivering Conscious Warrior Trainings to Firefighters and Secret Service agencies across the country. Another way she serves First Responders is by offering online yoga classes that are donation based and gather funds for nonprofits supporting First Responders.


Reach out to Shannon here about Coaching & Consultations.